Activitatea didactic? online în cadrul Universit??ii Româno-Americane s-a desf??urat prin utilizarea de c?tre cadrele didactice, studen?ii ?i masteranzii URA a platformei proprii Activitatea didactic? a putut fi completat?, în func?ie de specificul disciplinei, prin teme de cas?, lucr?ri de laborator ?i proiecte. Microsoft Teams pentru sus?inerea activit??ii didactice online URA continu? procesul de #OnlineLearning pe Microsoft [...]
Microsoft Teams for Education – collaborative platform for Online Didactic Activities Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration. The service integrates with the Microsoft Office 365 suite. Teams for Education allows admins and teachers to set up specific [...]
Dragi studen?i URA, Biroul Erasmus v? informeaz? c? prime?te online aplica?iile pentru mobilit??ile Erasmus+ outgoing, atât Studii, cât ?i Plasamente. Pentru a trimite aplica?iile v? rug?m s? folosi?i link-urile urm?toare: pentru Studii: (max. 17.03.2020) pentru Plasamente: (max. 24.03.2020) În ceea ce prive?te testul la limba englez? ?i interviul, acestea vor fi organizate tot [...]
The Romanian-American University offers its students a new series of extracurricular classes, taught by prestigious professors from US and Europe partner universities. Check the details and enroll online (click here!) to one or more of the following courses:
The 2019-2020 series of Extracurricular Courses with international professors starts with 2 online courses (via Skype) organized in partnership with Hanyang University, South Korea. Online courses: 1. “Korean Politics and Inter-Korean Relations ” - Prof. Steve Lee (Vice President of Hanyang University and Professor of Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University) * the class will take [...]
Between 10-14th of June 2019, the Romanian-American University organized a new edition of RAU Summer Program. At this ERASMUS+ Training Program in the field of Intercultural Communication, entitled “Preparing Students for an Intercultural Environment”, we were delighted to host international guests from our partner universities in Japan, Korea, Jordan, Peru and South Africa. Our guests [...]
The Romanian-American University in partnership with the Business School of the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Netherlands, organizes the 2019 edition of the international collaborative project on Entrepreneurship and Marketing. The program is designed for students who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills in an international context by actively participating with Dutch students at workshops, lectures on doing [...]
The Romanian-American University offers its students a new series of extracurricular classes, taught by prestigious professors from US and Europe partner universities. In this semester you can enroll online to one or more of the following courses:
The Romanian-American University offers its students a new series of extracurricular classes, taught by prestigious professors from US and Europe partner universities. You can enroll online (click here!) to one or more of the following courses:
The Romanian-American University offers its students a new series of extracurricular classes, taught by prestigious professors from US and Europe partner universities. In this semester you can enroll online to one or more of the following courses: